Giuseppe Zicari – Consultant, Zicari G. Consulting

  • Zicari Giuseppe work in Italy as a consultant and he is agrotechnic and biologist (with PhD on Renewable Energies and sustainable agriculture, and he has the specializations in Applied Genetics (three years post graduate course in the field of bio-medical sciences)). He has food industry experience in the field of hygiene and food safety (for over 10 years), (e.g. labeling, traceability, chemical risk management and microbiological risk, HACCP, ISO 14001) and energy management experience in the livestock industry (biomass management, composting, biogas, antibiotic residues). He wrote more than 100 technical papers and 5 books about these subjects.
    His last work experience is in Renewable Energy (biogas and recycling of biomass) and Agricultural Ecology sectors for 6 years and he published 2 books about these topics (only in Italian language). He is the winner of the National University Publishing Award, in Italy (Area B: Life Sciences and Health; in 2017, University “La Sapienza” in Rome). He won this first prize with the book entitled “Renewable energy from biomass: risks and opportunities. Cultivations, livestock, compost, biogas and agro-fuels: analysis of environmental impacts, of the sustainability and the impact on the health. EPC, 2016”, (


    Title: “Can the Society and the Economy be Sustainable?”


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